Our Services

Konijn Safety & Services offers support with the optimization of health and safety performance. As industry people ourselves, we’ve witnessed various industrial calamities. This led us to be as passionate about our work in the HSE field as we are.
There is nothing more alarming than reading the root cause analysis of an industrial accident to discover that it could have been prevented. Better recognition of hazards, poor work preparation, lack of procedure adherence or other actions could have prevented the loss of life or injury to people and environment.
Our well trained safety experts are here to advise and keep your workplace safe and accident free. Our HSE consultants / Experts offer the following services:
- We advise during the development stage of your project.
- We develop and implement HSE policy and procedures.
- We carry out workplace inspections.
- We compile risk assessments and analysis.
- We compile specific Task Risk Analysis.
- We maintain contact with clients, subcontractors and if necessary governments.
- We carry out accident and incident investigations.
- We train and instruct your staff through toolboxmeetings.
- We develop and maintain the work permit system.
Whether your project is short or long-term is not important to us. Health and safety is of paramount importance and our HSE consultants are happy to consult you, regardless of the duration of your project. Our HSE consultants can also assist you on projects that do not require permanent safety supervision. One of our HSE experts visits serveral projects with agreed up on frequency to carry out workplace inspections and consult you with regard to health and safety.
Risk Inventory and Evaluation

Running a business is risky business, are you aware of all the risks? Konijn Safety & Services will help you make an inventory of the risks in your business. A Risk Inventory and Evaluation is two things:
- A list of all the health and safety risks regarding your business.
- A plan for the solution of those risks.
These two things will help reducing the risks to your staff and your business, which means you will reduce your financial risks as well.
A Risk Inventory and Evaluation is mandatory for all business owners with any employees under the Dutch Working Conditions Act. The inspectorate SZW checks that this act is complied with. Konijn Safety & Services is happy to consult you regarding the Risk Inventory and Evaluation.
Coordinated Supervision

Coordinated supervision is one of our most important services. When there is involvement of more than one party, we coordinate the activities. This concerns supervising the safety of the worksite and the safety during the execution of the work, but it also involves the coordination of safety aspects with several parties that could directly or indirectly cause risk to each other. This type of supervision is characterized by indirect communication through the hierarchical supervisor of the executing party.
Hierarchical Supervision

Hierarchical supervision is the direct control of the execution of the work. This form of supervision is carried out by the organization which has the direct responsibility for the safety of the employees on the worksite. This type of supervision is characterized by direct contact and correction (if necessary) of the employees involved.
Two types of safety can be distinguished:
1. Eventual stagnation will be checked, whether the job is carried out according to plan and with regard to the safety rules.
2. During the maintenance of installations, the maintenance work must be supervised, also when there are more parties involved, coordinated supervision is required.
The difference between the two forms of supervision mentioned above, is not expressed in the way of supervising, but in the manner of appeal and approach. The hierarchical supervisors addresses the people of his own organization directly, the coordinated supervisor has a role as controller of appointments (and if necessary, stopping work via the hierarchical supervisor) on the one hand and coordinating safety aspects between several parties involved on the other.
Konijn Safety & Services has professionals to support you in project safety.
Safety Support

When is concerns health and safety, Konijn Safety & Services is a reliable partner. With our well trained staff, we can be your plus is safety. We can provide the following safety staff:
- Manhole guards for working in confined spaces
- Gas experts
- Safety Supervisors
- Safety supervisors Railway. (only Tata Steel railways)
- Fire Safety supervisors
- Safety consultants
- HSE Coordinators / officers
- HSE Managers / Engineers
Our safety consultants and HSE staff can support you with workplace inspections, risk inventory and evaluation and task risk analysis.
Periodical Inspections

Konijn Safety & Services is certified to preform periodical inspections on the following equipment:
- Gas detection systems
- Aluminium scaffolds
- Stairs and ladders
- Climbing equipment (fall harness)
- Lifting equipment and lifting belts excluding testing.
We offer the possibility to make an annual re-certification, which for example is mandatory for gas detection. This way, you will always meet your legal obligation.

For proper health and safety management on the jobsite Konijn Safety & Services makes use of the HSE-application MySEPP. MySEPP is an online-platform that digitalizes the HSE management via real-time connectivity. It simplifies Last Minute Risk Analysis and Safety Reporting during the performance of the works on site thus improves HSE management in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. For more information please browse to www.mysepp.com.